Even People With Great Vision Need Eye Exams

  • 2019-05-01
  • sam

Poor vision isn’t the only indicator of eye disease. In fact, it’s usually the last thing that happens. And, once you start to lose vision, you often can’t get it back. This is why it is so important to visit your eye doctor regularly. A comprehensive eye exam allows doctors to see things you can’t—so little problems don’t become big ones later on. And, if you’re a contact lens wearer, annual exams are mandatory. Here’s what you need to know about eye exams:

Who— Everyone needs regular eye exams, regardless of vision correction needs and overall wellness. What—A comprehensive eye exam may take up to about an hour to an hour and a half and includes a wide array of tests, including refraction, binocular vision testing, color vision testing, dilation with thorough retina assessment, a glaucoma check, slit lamp observation, visual fields assessment, and more. If you wear contact lenses, a contact lens workup is also needed and usually includes additional tests.

Why— Many eye diseases have no symptoms in the early stages, but prompt detection, diagnosis and treatment are important because it can often reduce your risk of permanent vision loss. And, the benefits don’t end there. An eye exam can also sometimes detect systemic conditions, saving more than just your sight! For children, eye exams are especially important. In fact, the American Optometric Association says eye and vision care ought to be given the same level of importance and attention as other standard medical practices, such as dental care and vaccinations.1

Why— Many eye diseases have no symptoms in the early stages, but prompt detection, diagnosis and treatment are important because it can often reduce your risk of permanent vision loss. And, the benefits don’t end there. An eye exam can also sometimes detect systemic conditions, saving more than just your sight! For children, eye exams are especially important. In fact, the American Optometric Association says eye and vision care ought to be given the same level of importance and attention as other standard medical practices, such as dental care and vaccinations.1

Posted by sam
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