
The primary aim of spectacles is to help enhance a persons vision and aid the correction of visual impairments, if any, though the recent times have seen a swelling list of its functions. To this end, corrective lenses are used.

These lenses come with different specifications corresponding to individual requirements. Lens is dubbed as the all inclusive medicine for optical sickness. it varies for different optical needs. For corrective purposes,specific optical requirements are to be met otherwise plain lenses can be used. Lenses can be clear (indoor) or dark (outdoor) or photochromatic lenses that darken when exposed to sun

These lens specifications can be integrated into plastic, glass etc. The lenses can be embodied in different materials like glasses, plastics and polycarbonate materials.

We are proud to offer a below eyeglass lenses


Lens specifications can be integrated into plastic, glass etc. The lenses can be embodied in different materials like glasses, plastics and polycarbonate materials.

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On 0471 244 7464